Nail clippers are a common household item, mainly used to trim nails, but they have other clever uses too—especially with the small…

Nail clippers are a common household item, mainly used to trim nails, but they have other clever uses too—especially with the small round hole at the end. Here are a few surprising ways to use it:

  1. Keychain Attachment: “We can put the keychain into the small hole,” allowing the nail clipper to hang securely. This ensures you don’t lose the clipper unless the entire keychain is lost.
  2. Wire Bending: Insert a wire into the small round hole to bend it with ease. “You only need to use a small amount of force,” making it safer than using your fingers.
  3. Screwdriver Alternative: The small metal piece often used for cleaning nails can also act as a screwdriver for small screws. “You can use this small iron sheet to unscrew the screw” when other tools aren’t available.
  4. Opening Boxes: The sharp tip of the nail file can be used to “cut the tape on shipping boxes,” providing an alternative tool for package opening.

Nail clippers are more versatile than most people realize, offering handy solutions beyond just trimming nails

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